Thursday 30 April 2015

Binary Oppositions

  • A theory that all human elements of human culture can be understood in relation to one another and how they can function within a larger system. 
  • The only issues with these oppositions is that they can create boundaries between different groups which leads to prejudice and discrimination.
  • The use of binary oppositions can be seen in a lot of films a few are Harry Potter and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. 

Messianic Archetype

A messianic archetype is a character whose role in the story echoes that of christ. They are usually portrayed as some sort of a saviour, whether they are saving the day or someone. They endure a sizeable sacrifice. A messiah will include one or more of the following:

  • being the chosen one
  • gaining a group of devoted followers 
  • persecution by non believers  
  • The initials JC
It is not expected that the character is religious. 

This character will usually accompany a satanic archetype who takes on the role similar to satan.

Wednesday 29 April 2015


Today we formed our groups and I am with Kartya & Nicole. We came up with an idea which begins with someone reading a book about some heroic figure from the past who has died hundreds or thousands of years ago...when this person reads the book they transform into them but we will have to discuss more about the call to adventure so it fits in with the hero's journey. We are yet to discuss the rest of our storyline but we will do this next lesson. We are hoping to film most of our film outside of school because it will be more interesting with different settings.

Monday 27 April 2015


No Social Media:
  • More photos because they can be target at a general audience compared to videos. 
  • Posters
  • Radio
  • News papers
  • General trailers - at cinema/ tv
  • Pay TV - USA and some other countries 
  • Celebrity interviews
  • Merchandise - work with other companies to sell with food/ action figures/toys/clothing 
  • Billboard/buses marketting
No Internet:

  • Newspapers
  • Radio
  • Celebrity Interview
  • General trailers - at cinema/ tv
  • Comics
  • Billboard/buses marketting
Targeted Audiences:

  • Merchandise - work with other companies to sell with food/ action figures/toys/clothing 
  • Through newspapers - older people
  • Radio stations - older people
  • Billboard/buses marketting

Avengers: Age of Ultron

How has the Avengers: Age of Ultron been advertised and promoted? 

  • Social Media
  • Marvel Website
  • Pop up ads
  • E!
  • Utilisation of Actor's social media
How many official Trailers were released? 


Name some other forms of online, tv, cinema promotion used.

  • Facebook
  • Pop up ads - targeting to people's specific age/gender 
  • Super bowl

What are some recent marketing techniques that have evolved?

Last 10 Yrs Web 2.0
  • flash animations 
  • animated gifs 
  • images 
  • animation 
  • videos 
  • small 
  • couldn't access all information 
  • no hight resolution  
  • no audio 
  • motivated them to improve  
Last 5 Social media
  • high resolution 

Sunday 26 April 2015

History of the internet

  • The internet stands for interconnected node networks.
  • It was designed by Darpa- company who does work for US Government 
  • They invented it for America to communicate in the event that nuclear war struck - Defence communication system 
  • They wanted to get a message from A to point B
  • Sky net is a system of networks that can't be taken down 
  • It was never designed to work the way it does
  • First thing sent across the internet "hello :-)" - realised they could speak to each other quickly - fastest telecommunications had ever been 
  • All technology is all 0's & 1
  • Fastest wire connection 10 or 15 times faster than wireless
  • All of data is stored online on servers
  • First search engine used meta tags - in the source code are tags that have words - first search engines used to search through tags to find what you were looking for - would have to type key words when creating a website.
  • First film marketing used meta tags
  • Google - largest repository in the world
  • Server farms all around the world
  • Tags can find what type of movies you like to watch so they can suggest you ads on other servers e.g. Facebook.
  • They can see what websites are being accessed the most.
  • Gives information with your accounts so the media can suit you wants/needs.

John Wayne

John Wayne is a director that has made 162 feature films and was one of the 20th centuries biggest Hollywood stars.

Here are 10 surprising facts:

Saturday 25 April 2015


Alice in Wonderland trailer has many elements of this Hero's Journey:

Hero's Journey

The Hero’s Journey:

Alice in Wonderland:

The call to adventure – The rabbit at the beginning of the film intrigues her and Alice decides to follow him through the rabbit out of curiosity arriving at it’s rabbit hole where she falls in and arrives in fantasy world known as Wonderland.

The Mentor – The Mad Hatter keeps Alice safe and guides her to how she should handle herself especially around the Red Queen.

The Goddess – The Cheshire Cat is the mentor and he makes Alice feel comfortable and safe, as he is someone who is familiar in such an unfamiliar world.

The Dark Night:

The call to adventure – This occurs when the Joker arrives on the crime scene in Gotham.

The Mentor- Luscious Fox supplies him with equipment that he needs to complete his duties.

The Goddess – Harvey Dent who inspires Batman to be a true hero, batman supports him and this allows him to embrace his values and bring justice to the city.


The call to adventure- When the family receives an invitation to the royal ball, which is being held so that the Prince can find a wife.

The Mentor- The fairy godmother that gives her everything she needs for the ball e.g. dress, shoes, transport etc.

The Goddess- As this story has a female hero, the goddess in the Prince whom Cinderella falls in love with.