Monday 8 June 2015

Hero's Journey

  • Hero:
    • Batman
    • Superman
    • Iron man
    • Robin
    • Wonder woman
  • Villain:
    • The Joker 
Batman & The Joker:
  • Batman:
    • Saves the day 
    • Courageous 
    • Risk taker
    • Generous
  • The Joker:
    • Tries to ruin the city
    • Selfish

Wednesday 3 June 2015


I have finally finished my media assignment. I am happy with the final result, I think that I could have maybe done better with developing my storyline and making the hero's journey more evident but I hope it's good enough. I like some of the shots in it, some could have been done better but as a whole I am happy with the final result. I didn't really enjoy this assignment both part 1 and 2 as I wasn't in love with my story so I found myself having to force myself into doing it instead of willing wanting to. I wish that I had started planning earlier on so that I could have though of a better idea and had more time to film as I felt myself having to utilise every media lesson which was fine but If I had started earlier I would have also been able to receive feedback in these lessons which would have been beneficial. I am happy that it is over and the final result is in front of me.

Tuesday 2 June 2015


I have nearly finished! Today I filmed 2 of my last 3 shots and I will be doing the last one tomorrow. Before I had added this footage to my trailer I wasn't very happy with how it was going and looking but after adding this in I am starting to feel a bit better about it but not completely. Hopefully once I have finished I will be content with my final result. I was quite worried that the storyline wasn't going to clear and the hero's journey wouldn't be evident but after adding some titles and sound effects I feel more confident that this will be portrayed.

Monday 1 June 2015


Today I planned who and where I am going to film tomorrow. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow I will have finished all my filming and can use Wednesday to perfect my trailer!