Friday 29 January 2016

Week 1, Friday - Lesson 1

Forgotten Silver

This was our first lesson of the year and we discussed how we would be studying documentaries this term. We watched, what we thought was a documentary called 'Forgotten Silver' directed Peter Jackson and Costa Botes. The hour long film exposes the forgotten New Zealand filmmaker Colin McKenzie with the rediscovery of his long lost films of Salome. It was very interesting and convincing story as the director used famous film makers that spoke about he was one of the best film makers of the time and used real archive footage of New Zealand. After watching the entire film, the entire class was taken back by this incredible film maker and we were all perplexed by his amazing advances that were lost in history. We were then told that everything we had just watched was fiction and in fact this was a mockumentary. I really enjoyed watching this and I am very excited about this unit of work.