Thursday 21 April 2016

Hero Colours

Red - This forest with the red tress symbolises enthusiasm and excitement as the one who killed the other man is quite pleased with herself due to the fact that the other woman is now upset and angry with her. She killed him as she saw him and the woman she is fighting with together in bed.

White - This scene and the following ones include many deaths. White usually symbolises purity and death so this is extremely fitting. During the last few scenes of the movie it is mainly white.

Purple / Blue - this is used to convey the strength of those fighting, this can also be seen when the blocks fall down. The colours used enhance the message that is behind the initial actions.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Chinese Colours

The following colours are shown with the Chinese meaning:

BLACK - Water, immortality, power, calmness vs lack of will.

BLUE - conserving, healing, relaxation, exploration, trust, calmness

BROWN - Industrious, grounded

GOLD - completness, wealth, metal

GREEN - growing, balancing, refreshing, calming, healing, health, harmony

GREY - dull, metal, indefinite

ORANGE - change, adaptability, spontaneity

PINK - love

PURPLE - strength, abundance, spiritual awareness

RED - traditional bridal colour, expansive, blooming, dynamic

SILVER - metal, trustworthiness, romance

WHITE - mourning, contracting, pureness, confidence, strength, death

YELLOW - nourishing, supporting, realibility

All of these colours are clearly represented throughout the movie and portray different emotions. These colours that are shown indicate that either the people involved in the scene or what they are discussing has a deeper meaning than meets the eye. It is expected that the audience reads into the meaning of the colours as they add weight the the story line.


We have started watching a Chinese film, Hero. It is about a fighter who is honour for defeating three of the king's most dangerous enemies, this film exploits the perception and re tells the story from many different aspects. This film so far is extremely visually interesting with different colours representing several emotions throughout the film. The movie was released in 2004 and was an interesting watch. Compared to Amelie it was a lot easier as we watched it with english dubbed instead of having to read the subtitles which takes away from the cinematography and visual aid that is available.

Monday 18 April 2016

Monday - Week 2

During our lesson today we finished Amelie, it was an enjoyable movie. Although, I am still unsure of the exact purpose of the film. It was quite different to any film I have seen before as I really haven't watched many international films.

Difference to Hollywood films:

  • Colours - overuse of saturation
  • Shaky shots - when tension was building or an important scene was taking place
  • odd pace - some shots were fast whilst others dragged out
  • Not a typical romance type of film

Audrey Tautou played Amelie and has starred in other films including; Coco before Chanel, Priceless and Mood Indigo. She did a great job in this film that we watched and I would love to see her take on another role in these films. 

Thursday 14 April 2016

Term 2 - Lesson 1, Week 1, Thursday.

We have started studying global cinema which includes different films from around the world. We started our first lesson of the term watching a french film Amelie. The film consists of a fanciful comedy about a young woman who plans what the people around her do to making a world of her own. We only got about half way but so far I am enjoying the film and hopefully we get to watch many more. Once we finish this one we will begin to watch the hollywood remake of it to see the similarities and to highlight the differences that is used by the film industry in hollywood to romanticise film.

Monday 4 April 2016

Editing sections

We all individually edited the same amount as each other (approximately a minute and a half). Here are our times that we edited from.

Holly - up to 1:36

Kartya - 1:36 - 3:28

Alex - 3:28 - 5:17

We worked out prior what sort of music, theme, fades and fonts we wanted to use so that they would all correspond when put together. This ended up working out really well for our final documentary.