Thursday 10 September 2015


In today's lesson we finished working out what our film is going to be about and who is going to play what characters. I am happy with how the story is sounding and hopefully it looks good. We will be working on perfecting out storyboards and shot lists at the beginning of next term and this will be completed by the end of week 1/start of week 2. We are filming on the long weekend of week 2 to 3 so we can allow time to edit, review and critique anything that needs to be changed. We all need to ensure we use our time wisely and allow enough time to complete the entire process of pre and post production to the best of our abilities. We had our last lesson today and we will all be brainstorming on how we can improve/ if we need to change anything with our storyline and we will do this during the holidays and follow this up next term. Next week we will meet with Mr Andrews and discuss our storyline and decide if we need to change anything, this will be helpful as we can have an exterior person view the story and gives us direction on how we can improve.

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