Wednesday 18 November 2015

Production Scheduele

Production schedule
Scene 1 shooting

 Monday 19/10/2015

We shoot at the Tropicana Motel in mermaid on the Goldcoast highway.

Actor: Stan -Wolf

Directors/videographers: Portia, Holly & Kartya

Absent: Alex (sick)

Time: 11:45am-2:25pm

Shot list:

Shot duration:
Shot Description:
i.e. Shot type, angle, camera movement, Scene #
Notes: Include any relevant notes i.e. lighting, description of action. Additional notes should be added as each shot is gathered.
4second shot
Shot of location of motel in scene 1:
Shot type: long shoot, slightly canted down
Camera movement: still
Lighting natural, fe lights around the scenery and set up lighting in the shot but not to be obvious
Action: still
No additional notes
8second shot
Shot of location of motel in scene 1:
Shot type: long shoot, slightly canted down
Camera movement: still then zoom to car pulling up
Lighting natural, fe lights around the scenery and set up lighting in the shot but not to be obvious
Action: still
No additional notes
5second shot
Shot of feet at the motel in scene 1:
Shot type: close up
Camera movement: still
Lighting: from front of feet
Action: wolf walks (front of feet)
8 second shot
Shot of feet at the motel in scene 1:
Shot type: close up
Camera movement: still then follows feet

Lighting: from front of feet
Action: wolf walks (front of feet and then back)
8second shot
Shot of feet at the motel in scene 1:
Shot type: close up
Camera movement: still and zooms up to his chest

Lighting: from front of feet
Action: wolf walks from behind
4second shot
Shot of eyes at the motel in scene 1:
Shot type: extreme close up
Camera movement: still

Lighting: strip across eyes
Action: looking eyes
8second shot
Shot of stairs at the motel in scene 1:
Shot type: mid/ long shot
Camera movement: panning up
Lighting: coming from the bottom level, mid level and level below camera
Action: wolf running up stairwell
8-second shot
Shot of stairs at the motel in scene 1:
Shot type: mid/ long shot
Camera movement: panning down
Lighting: coming from the bottom level, mid level and level below camera
Action: wolf running up stairwell
10second shot
Shot of balcony to balcony at motel in scene 1:
Shot type: mid/long shot
Camera movement: follows actor (wolf)
Lighting: from above each door at the balcony
Action: wolf walks across the balcony, checks letter looks at his time, looks at the room numbers
8second shot
Shot of balcony to balcony at motel in scene 1:
Shot type: mid/long shot
Camera movement: panning
Lighting: from above each door at the balcony
Action: still 
5second shot
Shot of balcony to balcony at motel in scene 1:
Shot type: mid/long shot
Camera movement: still
Lighting: from above each door at the balcony
Action: door left open

Shot duration:
Shot Description:
i.e. Shot type, angle, camera movement, Scene #
Notes: Include any relevant notes i.e. lighting, description of action. Additional notes should be added as each shot is gathered.
Shot 1, Scene 1. Wolf – Wide and still shot.
Location – Motel balcony

Lighting – Shadow amongst the doors on motel.
Shot 2, Scene 1. Wolf – Low and still shot.
Location – Motel balcony

Lighting – Shadow on feet.
Shot 3, Scene 1. Wolf – Long and still shot – sees wolf walking.
Location – Motel balcony

Lighting – Shadow on doors of motel.

Prop/costume list:

               Suit: white shirt, black dress pants, dress jacket -Stan/Wolf
               Hat: -Stan/Wolf
               Dress shoes -Stan/Wolf
               Letter -Stan/Wolf
               Lipstick- Letter 

Equipment list:

               Camera 1: wide angle 
               Camera 2: Close up 
               Camera 3: Behind the scene shots (BTS)
               Tripod for camera 1
               Tripod for camera 2 
               Boom light 1 
               Boom light 2 
               Sheet for lighting 


Any other shots needed:

A few extra canted shots, location: stairs & location: below balcony

Scene 3-4 Shooting

 Sunday: 25/10/2015

We shoot at the alley ways in Bundall

Actor: Stan Mackay Payne
Actress: Kartya Smithers
Actor: Bryce Linington
Actor: James McMillan
Actor: Jasper Hardy

Absent actors or actress: no absentees 

Directors/videographers: Portia, Alex & Kartya

Absent: Holly (family commitments)

Time: 3:00pm-5:00pm

Shot list: 
Printed out in costume box for the day.

Prop/costume list:
               Suit: white shirt, black dress pants, dress jacket -Stan/Wolf
                                                                         -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears
                                                                         -James/ 1 of 3 bears
                                                                         -Jasper/ 1 of 3 bears
               Hat: -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears 
               Dress shoes  -Stan/Wolf
                      -Jasper/ 1 of 3 bears
                      -James/ 1 of 3 bears
                      -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears
               2 Film cameras -James 
               Female costumes -Leather pink blouse and skirt, cream heel boots, -Kartya/G(Gemma)

Hair and makeup: To do on shoot only if needed 

Equipment list:

               Camera 1: wide angle 
               Camera 2: Close up 
               Camera 3: Behind the scene shots (BTS)
               Tripod for camera 1
               Tripod for camera 2 
               Boom light 1 
               Red Head 
               Sheet for lighting for close ups


Any other shots needed:

A few extra canted shots 

Scene 5-6-7 Shooting

 Sunday: 1/11/2015

We shoot in Broadbeach on T E Peters Drive.

Actor: Stan Mackay Payne
Actress: Kartya Smithers
Actress: Scarlett Fahey 
Actor: Bryce Linington
Actor: James McMillan
Actor: Jasper Hardy

Absent actors or actress: no absentees 

Directors/videographers: Holly & Kartya

Absent: Alex and Portia (Important Family Commitments)

Time: 7:00-9:00pm

Shot list: 
Printed out in costume box for the day.

Prop/costume list:
               Suit: white shirt, black dress pants, dress jacket
                                                                      -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears
                                                                      -James/ 1 of 3 bears
                                                                      -Jasper/ 1 of 3 bears
               Hat: -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears 
               Dress shoes  -Stan/Wolf
                           -Jasper/ 1 of 3 bears
                           -James/ 1 of 3 bears
                           -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears
               2 Film cameras -James 
               Female costumes -Leather pink blouse and skirt, cream heel boots, -Kartya/G(Gemma)
                                   -Black coat, Lace blouse, Cream pencil skirt, Black light heels - Scarlett/Red

Hair and makeup: To do on shoot only for Scarlett/red 
(Scarlett comes to location at 6:30 for hair and makeup)

scene set up:
A wooden dinning table presented centre in a small room, with a window on the right hand side of the left wall,
The back wall is one big opened window door.
Chairs will be situated around the table.
On the table have a film camera, have a bottle of 'alcoholic' substance (which is actually chlorophyll water), and cards which will be used as a prop.
Lighting will be positioned on the night to make sure that the shadows are extreme to represent film noir, effectively.

Equipment list:

               Camera 1: wide angle 
               Camera 2: Close up 
               Camera 3: Behind the scene shots (BTS)
               Tripod for camera 1
               Tripod for camera 2 
               Boom light 1 
               Boom light 2
               Red Head 
               Sheet for lighting for close ups


Any other shots needed:
Scene 2-8 Shooting

 Sunday: 16/11/2015

We shoot in Broadbeach on T E Peters Drive.

Actor: Stan Mackay Payne
Actress: Scarlett Fahey 
Actor: Bryce Linington
Actor: James McMillan
Actor: Jasper Hardy

Absent actors or actress: no absentees 

Directors/videographers:  Kartya 
Bts photographer: Holly

Absent: Alex and Portia (Highly Important Family Commitments)

Time: 11:00am-2:00pm

Shot list: 
Printed out in costume box for the day.

Prop/costume list:
               Suit: white shirt, black dress pants, dress jacket -Stan/Wolf
                                                                          -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears
                                                                          -James/ 1 of 3 bears
                                                                          -Jasper/ 1 of 3 bears
               Hat: -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears 
               Dress shoes  -Stan/Wolf
                           -Jasper/ 1 of 3 bears
                           -James/ 1 of 3 bears
                           -Bryce/ 1 of 3 bears
               2 Film cameras -James 
               Female costumes -Leather pink blouse and skirt, cream heel boots, -Kartya/G(Gemma)
                                   -Black coat, Lace blouse, Cream pencil skirt, Black light heels - Scarlett/Red

Hair and makeup: To do on shoot for Scarlett/red 

Scene set up:
Piano set up with candles, old fashion boxes, a photo frame onto of piano.
Behind the piano on the left have a light shining up.
Next to the piano on the left of the door have a curved vase.
On the right of the door have a cabinet which will represent an old fashion bar with a small selection of glasses and bottle of rum, whiskey, gin, and other liquor substances.  
On the right hand corner have a red chair, with an old fashioned, fashion styled painting.
To the right of the chair have a table with a light on it which will be used to create shadowing on the actors faces.
To the right of the table have another lower chair which will create a dominance role on scarlet who will be situated on the left chair. 

Equipment list:

               Camera 1: wide angle 
               Camera 2: Close up 
               Camera 3: Behind the scene shots (BTS)
               Tripod for camera 1
               Tripod for camera 2 
               Boom light 1 
               Boom light 2
               Red Head 
               Sheet for lighting for close ups


Any other shots needed:

A few extra canted shots 

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