Tuesday 24 May 2016

Tim Burton film elements:

Themes & motifs that are consistent throughout the majority of Tim Burton's films:
  • Isolated character
  • Death
  • Flashbacks
  • Escape through fantasy
  • Horror
  • Gothic
  • Frequent use of bells, chimes and music
  • Skittish main character

Mis-en-scene elements that are usually present in his films:
  • Black & white or vivid colour mixed with bleak colours
  • Close up shots of characters to build suspense
  • Dark lighting
  • Substantial amount of juxtaposition throughout most films
Popular films that use these elements:
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Corpse Bride
  • Edward Scissor hands
  • Batman
  • Alice in Wonderland

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Alfred Hitchcock:

  • First director to use 3D in a way that was considered creative rather than gimmick.
  • Known for title sequences - first director to take that to the next level

What are influences that Hitchcock's work has had on popular culture?

  • Bates Motel - is a tv series that has over 5 seasons and was originally adapted from Psycho. 
  • David Lynch - There are some aspects of Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet that have Hitchcock elements.
  • Steven Spielberg - Jaws used zooming/shrinking depth of field which was similar to Hitchcock's style.
Hitchcock's signature:
  • Known for his ability to 'block' - he blocked the camera in sync with the position of the actors. 
  • The use of Dolly scene 
  • Trailers - simple but ingenious, intrigued people to come see his films. e.g. Psycho's 6 minute trailer is Hitchcock filming a tour of the house the film is shot in.
  • New style of editing - builds suspense. This is evident in Psycho - you don't see the lady being stabbed but the quick shots build suspense and leave the audience anticipating about what's going to happen next.
  • Cinematography - used the shots to capture certain feelings and create a mood.
  • Mcguffin - an object or a device in a film which serves merely as a trigger for the plot.
  • The camera took on human like qualities and would roam around to get specific shots and a range of angles. 

Sunday 15 May 2016

Auteur Thoery

An auteur is the essentially the author for a film. They oversee all audio and visual elements of a film during the film making process. Auteur theory suggests that a film maker or director can use the commercial apparatus in the same way that a writer uses a pen or a painter uses a paint brush, that they are the creative force behind the film.


Alfred Hitchcock - The director of well-known films; Psycho, Vertigo and The Birds. His story telling techniques have been praised by many for his ability to be able to successfully create an intelligent plot, witty dialogue, and the superficial mystery and murder. Regardless of the genre he is working with, his skills that are utilised are the real art of his films.

Tim Burton - He is a renowned director and many would refer to him as one of the greatest Auteur Directors in history. He works well because he usually collaborates with the same people who obviously know the best way to go about a film. This is also said due to his constant use of dark themes and quirky characters.

Wes Anderson - It is evident that Anderson has a distinctive visual style which could be picked out a crowd. A significant amount of detail goes into emphasising colour, line, shape and texture which add another element to his films. This is also seen through his shot types, he is renowned for his use of centred shots and symmetrical compesition. Akin to Tim Burton, he tends to collaboratively work with the same directors, crew and cast.

Quentin Tarantino - Through many of his films it is evident that his personal artwork mould comes through visually. His auteur ability comes through with his use of shots, themes and characters in all of his films. He works with the same directors, actors and crew to create these comparable representations.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Week 5 - Monday

I have completed my introduction, 1st paragraph and half of my second paragraph for my assignment. I chose to write it on Why has Hollywood remade Ringu into The Ring? This questions explores the similarities and difference between the two films and gives evidence to why the film was remade. This is great practice for when it comes to writing our oral in a couple of weeks. So far, this term I am enjoying what we are studying.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Ringu vs The Ring

I have decided to analyse Ringu and The Ring for my assignment. Watching Ringu it wasn't so much a horror film but then watching the Hollywood remake it was a lot scarier to suite the intended audience. Both followed similar storyline with the remake just adding a couple of more bits in that weren't necessarily needed but were used for shock value. Overall both films are quite similar, with the beginning even being almost shot for shot. I am still working out what my thesis is going to be and then I can begin fleshing out exactly what I am going to write about.