Wednesday 18 May 2016

Alfred Hitchcock:

  • First director to use 3D in a way that was considered creative rather than gimmick.
  • Known for title sequences - first director to take that to the next level

What are influences that Hitchcock's work has had on popular culture?

  • Bates Motel - is a tv series that has over 5 seasons and was originally adapted from Psycho. 
  • David Lynch - There are some aspects of Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet that have Hitchcock elements.
  • Steven Spielberg - Jaws used zooming/shrinking depth of field which was similar to Hitchcock's style.
Hitchcock's signature:
  • Known for his ability to 'block' - he blocked the camera in sync with the position of the actors. 
  • The use of Dolly scene 
  • Trailers - simple but ingenious, intrigued people to come see his films. e.g. Psycho's 6 minute trailer is Hitchcock filming a tour of the house the film is shot in.
  • New style of editing - builds suspense. This is evident in Psycho - you don't see the lady being stabbed but the quick shots build suspense and leave the audience anticipating about what's going to happen next.
  • Cinematography - used the shots to capture certain feelings and create a mood.
  • Mcguffin - an object or a device in a film which serves merely as a trigger for the plot.
  • The camera took on human like qualities and would roam around to get specific shots and a range of angles. 

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