Thursday 28 May 2015

Rough edit

I handed in my rough edit today, it doesn't have any music or audio added to it yet. I will also need to include the titles so the story flows more. I am missing several shots but these will have to be filmed during test block. I was unable to film during 2 lesson so this did set me back but I will be able to do it next week. I would prefer to be handing in a rough edit with more in it so that I could receive more feedback but I am fine with handing in what I have, hopefully the story line is clear enough with the placements.


Today I was unable to film because all of my actors were working on their own projects. All I have to do now is film 2 people to be on the board and an old CEO - I will have to get 2 people from boarding to be in it instead and film it next week during test block. Hopefully this will work and fit with the rest of my story. I filmed Nicole doing her voice overs today but as this was at the end of the lesson I decided not to put it in my rough edit.

Wednesday 27 May 2015


I have started to put my trailer together, I am missing shots but i have just put a black slide with writing on what will be there. I will need to use Friday's lesson to get these last shots, hopefully this will be enough time to get what I need as it will be difficult filming during test block. I was unable to film in Wednesday's lesson, this has set me back a bit as I could have had the shots of the board members for my rough edit but I will be able to this on Friday and have it ready for my final. On paper my story follows the hero's journey, I am not sure if it is evident enough in my trailer, hopefully it is once I have filmed all my shots!

Tuesday 26 May 2015


Today I was unable to film as the people I was planning to film were away or working on their own films so I will be using Friday's lesson and I might possibly have to film next week during test block! This hasn't affected me too much and i will be able to get up to date soon.


I filmed what I planned to today and I will begin compiling the footage together tomorrow. Currently I am on track and will be filming more tomorrow & Friday! I will be handing in a rough edit at the beginning of Friday's lesson but then filming more in that lesson and I will add that to my final edit. Tomorrow i will be filming:


  • Board members & Felicity Davies - Mikayla, Minnie & Nicole - Board members discussing who should be the next CEO, Board asking her to be the CEO, Board encouraging her & shot of one board member laughing with her.

Sunday 24 May 2015


I started filming today and I filmed everything I intended to. Tomorrow I will be filming more of Nicole and then begin compiling the footage. The rough edit is due on Friday and at this stage I will be able to give a full rough edit and then the following week I will be able to re-film anything that I need to.

Saturday 23 May 2015


I am yet to begin filming but I am ready to go, I will be starting in tomorrow's lesson. This is the updated schedule.

Week 6


  • Natalie Black - Holly - shots of shoes and person
  • Felicity Davies  & Natalie Black - Holly & Nicole -  confrontation & Natalie trying to trip Felicity up whilst she is working.
  • Felicity Davies - personal shots of her crying, doubting herself etc

  • Felicity Davies & Dave Smith - Nicole & Kartya - Dave supporting Felicity and telling her she is able to do it


  • Board members & Felicity Davies - Mikayla, Minnie & Nicole - Board members discussing who should be the next CEO, Board asking her to be the CEO, Board encouraging her & shot of one board member laughing with her.

  •  Mark Rogers - Portia - funeral scene, flashback & voice over 

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Draft Feedback

I discussed my draft with Mr Andrews today and fixed up my treatment. I need to add a little bit more but other than that I am pretty close to filming and ready to start tomorrow. I will be filming Holly's scenes and also one with Nicole. My log line is too long so I will need to shorten and then I should be quite close to finishing!


At the beginning of the trailer the CEO of the magazine company ‘seek’, MARK ROGERS tragically passes away from an unknown reason. The board is faced with the challenge of who should be the CEO of the company. MARK always spoke highly of a lady, FELICITY DAVIES who has never received the opportunity to display her expertise in a higher position within the company. The board is encouraging her to be the CEO of the company, as they believe she will steer them in the right direction as she has a clear vision for the company’s future. When confronted by the board FELICITY doubts her self and believes that there is no way she could go from being an average worker to the CEO. With the boards encouragement and her love interests, DAVE SMITH she finds the courage within to pursue this job. She faces many struggles along the way including a run in with one the higher managers, NATALIE BLACK. NATALIE attempts to embarrass FELICITY and make sure she doesn’t successfully do her new job. FELICITY faces many ups and downs but eventually gets the hook of the new job.


I have put a draft together that I will show Mr Andrews tomorrow. I will possibly need to extend my treatment but I believe that the majority of my trailer is included in this so hopefully there is enough for him to understand my idea and what I want to do with the trailer. As house plays are still on until tomorrow I will be pushing Thursday's filming day with Portia to Wednesday or Friday next week and use Thursday's lesson conferencing and fixing my writing task so it's ready to be handed in on Monday.

Tuesday 19 May 2015


A costume list isn't extremely necessary as all of my characters need to be wearing business attire so all of costumes will be quite similar to each other!

Filming Scheduele

Week 5:

21st May - Thursday:

  •  Mark Rogers - Portia - funeral scene, flashback & voice over 

22nd May - Friday:
    • Natalie Black - Holly - shots of shoes and person
    • Felicity Davies  & Natalie Black - Holly & Nicole -  confrontation & Natalie trying to trip Felicity up whilst she is working.
    Week 6:

    25th May - Monday:

    • Felicity Davies & Dave Smith - Nicole & Kartya - Dave supporting Felicity and telling her she is able to do it 

        26th May - Tuesday: 
        • Board members & Felicity Davies - Mikayla, Minnie & Nicole - Board members discussing who should be the next CEO, Board asking her to be the CEO, Board encouraging her & shot of one board member laughing with her. 

          27th May - Wednesday: 
          • Felicity Davies - personal shots of her crying, doubting herself etc


            Mark Rogers - Portia

            Felicity Davies - Nicole

            Dave Smith - Kartya

            Natalie Black - Holly

            Board Members - Mikayla, Minnie + Nicole


            I have nearly finished my document and able to hand it in to be drafted. I finished my storyboards today and started my shot list so I can begin filming in Thursday's lesson. In today's lesson I just tried to finish as much as possible and I should be finished by tomorrow. I'm not having much difficulty with the assignment except I am beginning to run out of time so I need to utilise the following 4 lessons to try and film as much as possible so I can use my remaining lesson to touch up my rough edit. If there are any issues with my rough edit and I need to re-shoot anything I can use the test block week if my actors are willing to help me again so that my trailer is satisfactory.

            Sunday 17 May 2015


            I've started my treatment and storyboards and by the end of this week I will be filming. I will need to utlise 2 of my lessons this week and all 3 next week. I will also be using some afternoons next week to finish my trailer. Hopefully this is enough time so I won't have to re-film anything during test block so I can just focus on perfecting my final trailer. At this stage my idea is the same as my last blog post. I'm happy with it and hopefully it will look as good on paper as it does when it's shot. This should be possible if I do my storyboards in a lot of detail and follow them.

            Thursday 14 May 2015

            Ideas refinied



            • Better designs than the enemy
            • Meets people - goddess/ enemy 
            • Crying scene - picks herself up
            • Board not happy - works on her project, gets it done on the deadline 
            • They're happy again and the trailer ends.

            • Members on the board
            • Goddess
            • Flashback to the CEO

            Ordinary world
            Ordinary worker in the company - good at what she does but isn't very high up.

            Call to adventure
            CEO dies – the board decides that she is the best suited as they believe she will be able to direct the company in the right way.

            Refusal of the call
            Doubts herself, isn’t sure if she can do it - allies and goddess support her in this area. 

            Allies will be shown with emails, text etc and the goddess will be shown expressing how he feels that she is capable of this task. 

            Meeting the mentor
            The board is the mentor, the recently deceased CEO had always said that she had great vision for the company and they believe she can do it. 
            Directing the company in the right way and this helps her overcome her fear of the CEO job and decides that she can do it. 
            Villain - lady who is higher up in the company who is should be getting the job is angry that someone who is lower than her is being considered. The villain tries to make it obvious that she is the best pick but she is unable to do so and ends up embarrassing herself. They both have different ideas for the company and the board believes that the hero will be able to save the company as it is going downhill after the death of the CEO.

            Slow motion - guy
            Gives guidance or encourages the hero to continue and that they can do the job. 
            Different shots of the goddess throughout the trailer.


            Gets the job.

            Other elements:

            • Threshold 
            • Mentor
            • Hero 
            • Antagonist - villain

            Tuesday 12 May 2015


            CEO - Portia
            Hero - Nicole
            Villian - Holly
            Guy - Kartya


            So far my ideas are that a CEO of a large magazine or some sort of company suddenly dies. A girl who has been the deputy CEO (ordinary world) is urged to apply for the job of the main CEO of the company by someone on the board (Call to adventure/ Threshold). The girl doubts herself and isn't sure if she can succeed being the main CEO of an entire company and is reluctant to applying but then she finds either a book/video from the recently deceased CEO stating what is required or needed of a CEO (mentor?) and this allows her to gain the courage and confidence to apply for the job. She meets a guy who is a applying for a job at the company (Goddess). A lady who she has always had issues with tries to trip her up as she has also applied for this job and she also tries to steal the guy or make the main girl jealous (Enemy). In the end the girl gets the guy and the job (Reward). 


            Ordinary world
            Deputy CEO of a large magazine company.

            Call to adventure
            CEO dies – leaves something e.g. book/ video saying what she needs to do – how to get to the position she needs to be in and how to succeed.

            Refusal of the call
            Doubts herself, isn’t sure if she can do it

            Meeting the mentor
            Something – book/video

            Gets the job

            Villian – lady – due date or completing project/ steals guy/ hero falls behind in work

            Slow motion - guy


            Gets the guy & job – fires lady.

            Sunday 10 May 2015


            Today we discussed lighting and how different forms of reflectors can impact the lighting. This will help with our assignment as majority of the reflectors are low cost and easy accessible. We also went around the school and found locations where we can shoot, this was helpful as we found new areas in the new building which we haven't used before. I am still unaware of exactly what I want to do for my hero's journey trailer but I will be working this out soon so I can finish the treatment and get my design suite together for next week's draft and begin filming ASAP!

            Monday 4 May 2015

            Media Lesson

            We discussed the treatment, storyboards and shot list expectations today in class and I will begin exploring my idea in further depth in tomorrow's lesson and hopefully finish my treatment or get through most it!