Tuesday 12 May 2015


So far my ideas are that a CEO of a large magazine or some sort of company suddenly dies. A girl who has been the deputy CEO (ordinary world) is urged to apply for the job of the main CEO of the company by someone on the board (Call to adventure/ Threshold). The girl doubts herself and isn't sure if she can succeed being the main CEO of an entire company and is reluctant to applying but then she finds either a book/video from the recently deceased CEO stating what is required or needed of a CEO (mentor?) and this allows her to gain the courage and confidence to apply for the job. She meets a guy who is a applying for a job at the company (Goddess). A lady who she has always had issues with tries to trip her up as she has also applied for this job and she also tries to steal the guy or make the main girl jealous (Enemy). In the end the girl gets the guy and the job (Reward). 

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