Thursday 14 May 2015

Ideas refinied



  • Better designs than the enemy
  • Meets people - goddess/ enemy 
  • Crying scene - picks herself up
  • Board not happy - works on her project, gets it done on the deadline 
  • They're happy again and the trailer ends.

  • Members on the board
  • Goddess
  • Flashback to the CEO

Ordinary world
Ordinary worker in the company - good at what she does but isn't very high up.

Call to adventure
CEO dies – the board decides that she is the best suited as they believe she will be able to direct the company in the right way.

Refusal of the call
Doubts herself, isn’t sure if she can do it - allies and goddess support her in this area. 

Allies will be shown with emails, text etc and the goddess will be shown expressing how he feels that she is capable of this task. 

Meeting the mentor
The board is the mentor, the recently deceased CEO had always said that she had great vision for the company and they believe she can do it. 
Directing the company in the right way and this helps her overcome her fear of the CEO job and decides that she can do it. 
Villain - lady who is higher up in the company who is should be getting the job is angry that someone who is lower than her is being considered. The villain tries to make it obvious that she is the best pick but she is unable to do so and ends up embarrassing herself. They both have different ideas for the company and the board believes that the hero will be able to save the company as it is going downhill after the death of the CEO.

Slow motion - guy
Gives guidance or encourages the hero to continue and that they can do the job. 
Different shots of the goddess throughout the trailer.


Gets the job.

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