Wednesday 23 March 2016


We have completed our design and documentary task on the impacts of social media on the youth. We handed in the completed documentary on Monday, we are all very happy with the final result. We took the angle of social media is detrimental to teenagers perception of body image. I found this one of the most interesting topics we have studied so far. My favourite part of this documentary was interviewing Dr Peta Stapleton who is a Clinical & Health Physiologist at Bond University. She had some very insightful comments about the issue, why and how it is occurring and how it can be prevented or death with in the future. I am happy with the outcome of our project.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Voice over:

The social media world is now taking over our lives with people spending extensive amounts of time on their social media platforms. From Facebook to Snapchat we are seeing thousands of users posting daily.

With an Australian total of 15 million Facebook users, 5 million on Instagram, 4.8 million Tumblr and 2 million Snapchat. The youth are subjected to a significant amount of media; this constant exposure has detrimental effects on their perception of body image.


We then tested this theory and showed girls aged 5-10, two images and asked which one they thought was more beautiful.


Eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia have risen due to the influx of social media; the youth of Australia are constantly comparing themselves to celebrities with many of these images being manipulated.


These alarming statistics raise concerns for the youth of Australia and further generations to come.


These Thinspiration messages are more commonly aimed at teenagers. We then tested if social media had an effect on older generation's perception of body image. These results concluded that social media therefore predominantly affects teenagers.


It is crucial that younger children are educated about the importance of self worth and body image so that when they are older, they may potentially not fall victim to the dangers of social media.
So hopefully one day we can live in a world where these comments are not present.

It is evident that social media has detrimental affects on Australia’s youth and perception of body image. It is extremely important that children are educated from a young age so that these problems do not occur.
Respect your body.

Know your worth.

Monday 14 March 2016

Monday, Week 8 - Lesson 24

We have completed the majority of our filming. The only things that need to now be filmed in the Skype call that Holly is organising with her friend who lives in England who suffers from an eating disorder and also interview some teenage girls who have a sufficient amount of followers. We will be compiling the footage we have already in the next lesson and on Wednesday, we will then combine these to create a rough edit to show Mr Andrews on Wednesday. This will allow us enough time to correct or re-shoot anything that needs to be fixed. So far, I am enjoying this unit but I am excited to begin something different.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Shooting Schedule

Crew Role:
10th March – Thursday After school
JR 1
Questions for initial interviewees.
-       Scarlett
-       Isla
-       Ruby
-       Camera
-       Lighting
-       Questions
Alex & Kartya
10th March – Thursday Lunch
Junior School
Answers to what image is more beautiful.
-       Images
-       Camera
Alex & Holly
11th March –

JR 1
Social Media shots
-       Grace
-       Holly
-       Maddy
-       Juliette
Holly, Kartya & Alex
11th March – Friday 12:30pm
Bond University
Interviewing Dr Peta Stapleton
-       Camera
14th March - Lunch
Mr Powell’s office
Voiceover - ??
-       Microphone
-       Recording Application
Holly, Kartya & Alex
15th March – Tuesday Lunch
Counselor Office
Questions for counselor
-       Camera
-       Lighting
-       Questions
Holly & Kartya

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Thursday, Week 7 - Lesson 23

Kartya and I started filming the junior school girls yesterday, the majority of the responses were different than we expected. We believed that they would answer saying that the woman of a healthy weight was the most beautiful out of the two images. Instead, most of them said that the woman who was of an unhealthy weight was the most beautiful with some replying with "she's the skinniest" or "she's wearing makeup". Due to these responses being as good as they are we have decided to tweak our treatment so that the experiment part of the documentary shows overall that social media affects the youth. We will be filming more today during lunch.

Monday 7 March 2016

Tuesday, Week 7 - Lesson 22

This afternoon we will be filming three teenage girls and ask them the following questions:

  • How many hours a day do you spend on social media?
  • How often to you post on social media?
  • How many photos do you take to get the ‘perfect’ one?
  • How long does it take you to edit a post?

    • Do you think that the constant exposure to social media has detrimental effects for teenager’s body image?
    •         Do you believe social media has changed or distorted your perception of your own personal body image?

      We will then compile these answers to get an understanding of how teenage girls view these
      question and the ever-present body image issues regarding social media. We will be putting these together next lesson.

      Kartya is going to go near Australia Fair today to film some people in the community and get an
      understanding of what image they believe is beautiful. 

      We will all be filming junior school girls tomorrow morning at 7:15am. They will be shown the
      images and asked which one they believe is beautiful.

      The rough edit will be the finalised by Friday and this will give us enough time to shoot whatever
      we haven't shot yet as well as re-shoot anything that needs to be. 

    Sunday 6 March 2016

    Monday, Week 7 - Lesson 21

    We have made contact with Dr Peta Stapleton from Bond University who specialises in eating disorders. We decided that she would be best fit to be interviewed as she well known in her field and would some interesting thoughts on how social media is playing into these disorders. She has said she will be happy to be involved with our documentary project and we will be seeing her sometime in the next few days to interview her briefly.

    We will also be interviewing Nicole Hinchcliffe, the school counsellor so we can hear her thoughts on this issue. There will most likely be many similarities in their ideas.They will be asked the following questions:


    1. Have you noticed the rise of body image issues with the increase in social media?
    2. Why do you think these issues arise?
    3. What extremes have you seen girls go to?
    4. How do you think this epidemic can be treated?

    Our initial interviewees will be four year 12 students, we have decided to have them wear free dress and we don't want it to look too much like a school project. We will be interviewing Scarlett Fahey, Ruby Brown, Isla Stanich and Lucia McIvor. We will be filming them on Tuesday afternoon.

    The only uniforms that will be seen will be the junior school girls who are aged 5-10, this is convenient but it also emphasises how young they are, which will help convey the message. This is being filmed on Wednesday morning.

    We will have footage for Wednesday but we will showing our rough edit on Friday as we will have more to work with to receive more feedback so we know what we need to work on or re-shoot.

    Friday 4 March 2016

    Week 7 - until Wednesday, Production schedule:

    Crew Role:
    7th March – Monday Lunch
    Counselor Office
    Questions for counselor
    -       Camera
    -       Lighting
    -       Questions
    Holly & Kartya

    8th March – Tuesday After school
    JR 1
    Questions for initial interviewees.
    -       Scarlett
    -       Isla
    -       Ruby
    -       Lucia

    -       Camera
    -       Lighting
    -       Questions
    Alex & Kartya
    9th March – Wednesday morning
    Junior School
    Answers to what image is more beautiful.
    -       Images
    -       Camera
    Alex & Holly

    Thursday 3 March 2016

    Friday, Week 6 - Lesson 20

    The Rise of Narcissism 

    A short documentary created by Catalyst that focuses on the effects social media has on people's personal perception of themselves and slowly creating a narcissistic epidemic all over the globe. Studies have proven that people are becoming more self absorbed than ever before due to the overwhelming social media outlets with countless opportunities for people broadcast their life on a large scale. The documentary states that people with more followers on social media or more 'friends' on Facebook usually score higher on the Narcissistic personality inventory questioner. This is due to these personalities posting exessive amounts of information, believing that people are interested in what they're doing with their life. 

    There is a huge difference between self-esteem vs narcissism:


    • Represents an attitude based off accomplishments and achievements.
    • Our values and care we have shown to others.
    • This is based off a fear of failure or weakness, a focus on one-self and unhealthy desire to be seen as the best and a deep rooted feeling of inedequaty. 
    To fight this epidemic it is crucial that children are instilled with a sense of self-esteem offline so they don't feel the need to base that off their online profile and 'friends'. It is important that they have a healthy sense of true esteem before they reach the age that they can begin uploading. 

    This documentary was quite interesting and focused on similar issues that have been covered in our planning for our own documentary. There was corresponding elements that will be seen in our final assignment so this confirmed in our minds that certain ideas can be executed properly. We have continued planning and will have our entire planning essentials completed by the end of the weekend so we can begin filming on Monday. We probably won't have an completed rough edit by Wednesday so we will be showing Mr Andrews on Thursday or Friday of this week. 

    Tuesday 1 March 2016

    Week 7, Wednesday - Lesson 18

    We have decided that we will be basing the documentary off my treatment and taking elements from Kartya and Holly's treatments. We are now in the process of completing the following to ensure we have it all prepared for submission:
    • -       Crew Roles
    • -       Release forms – people to be in film
    • -       Production Schedule
    • -       Location report
    • -       Shooting script/ shot list – Incorporate three treatments
    • -       Interview questions + images
    • -       Editing schedule

    Our entire documentary will focus on the impacts of social media on body image for young, female teenagers. We aim to have a rough edit completed by Wednesday so we can receive feedback, allowing us to work on it for the next week and a half.

    Holly and I will be away for tomorrow's lesson so we will need to continue working on our documentary planning at a later time.