Thursday 3 March 2016

Friday, Week 6 - Lesson 20

The Rise of Narcissism 

A short documentary created by Catalyst that focuses on the effects social media has on people's personal perception of themselves and slowly creating a narcissistic epidemic all over the globe. Studies have proven that people are becoming more self absorbed than ever before due to the overwhelming social media outlets with countless opportunities for people broadcast their life on a large scale. The documentary states that people with more followers on social media or more 'friends' on Facebook usually score higher on the Narcissistic personality inventory questioner. This is due to these personalities posting exessive amounts of information, believing that people are interested in what they're doing with their life. 

There is a huge difference between self-esteem vs narcissism:


  • Represents an attitude based off accomplishments and achievements.
  • Our values and care we have shown to others.
  • This is based off a fear of failure or weakness, a focus on one-self and unhealthy desire to be seen as the best and a deep rooted feeling of inedequaty. 
To fight this epidemic it is crucial that children are instilled with a sense of self-esteem offline so they don't feel the need to base that off their online profile and 'friends'. It is important that they have a healthy sense of true esteem before they reach the age that they can begin uploading. 

This documentary was quite interesting and focused on similar issues that have been covered in our planning for our own documentary. There was corresponding elements that will be seen in our final assignment so this confirmed in our minds that certain ideas can be executed properly. We have continued planning and will have our entire planning essentials completed by the end of the weekend so we can begin filming on Monday. We probably won't have an completed rough edit by Wednesday so we will be showing Mr Andrews on Thursday or Friday of this week. 

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