Saturday 19 March 2016

Voice over:

The social media world is now taking over our lives with people spending extensive amounts of time on their social media platforms. From Facebook to Snapchat we are seeing thousands of users posting daily.

With an Australian total of 15 million Facebook users, 5 million on Instagram, 4.8 million Tumblr and 2 million Snapchat. The youth are subjected to a significant amount of media; this constant exposure has detrimental effects on their perception of body image.


We then tested this theory and showed girls aged 5-10, two images and asked which one they thought was more beautiful.


Eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia have risen due to the influx of social media; the youth of Australia are constantly comparing themselves to celebrities with many of these images being manipulated.


These alarming statistics raise concerns for the youth of Australia and further generations to come.


These Thinspiration messages are more commonly aimed at teenagers. We then tested if social media had an effect on older generation's perception of body image. These results concluded that social media therefore predominantly affects teenagers.


It is crucial that younger children are educated about the importance of self worth and body image so that when they are older, they may potentially not fall victim to the dangers of social media.
So hopefully one day we can live in a world where these comments are not present.

It is evident that social media has detrimental affects on Australia’s youth and perception of body image. It is extremely important that children are educated from a young age so that these problems do not occur.
Respect your body.

Know your worth.

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