Wednesday 24 August 2016


To film next week:
  • Scarlett's imagination in front of the green screen (place near painting)
  • Ruby - to use as a flashback (place before Scarlett leaves the house)
  • Add clouds / dreamy effects to the entire film - to align it with Tim Burton's style

This will be filmed during week 8. I will then edit it this week too so it will be ready for Week 10. 

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Filming - Week 5 weekend

I filmed all my shots on the weekend at my house and in the cane fields at Murwillumbah. I used Ruby Brown and Scarlett Fahey as my actors. It took a few hours to film all the scenes in my film but I am happy with how they have turned out. 

When I was inside I used a soft box with blue cellophane over the top to give a cold, blue light on the actors. When outside shooting on the road and in the cane fields I used the natural light as carry lights did not enhance the shot. 

I will now start editing my rough edit to show Mr Andrews by Friday. This conference will only allow me to show him the actual shots which will not accurately depict Tim Burton's style as a lot of this will be depicted through editing and colour correction. Once I have shown him the rough edit I will start my colour correction. I am happy with my progress for this film and I believe that this is the most organised I have been in terms of having my shots early as this will allow me to perfect my editing and colour correction. This is crucial as the colour correction and editing will mainly convey Tim Burton's style. 

Thursday 11 August 2016

Cane Fields

As I will be using the cane fields to shoot most of my film, it is essential that an aesthetic field is chosen to enhance my film. The final shot of my film is a burning cane field, it is cane field burning season in Murwillumbah but I am unsure if one will be burning on Saturday evening. If not, I will use after effects to create smoke in the distance which will give a similar look. Hopefully this will look good in the final product as there is a significant symbol attached to the burning of the cane field which is detailed in my treatment.

It symbolises Charlotte's family who doubt her ability to make it as an artist. This represents them burning down her dreams, this is the final shot of the film so it is crucial that it is successfully executed.


During this week I have been planning for the weekend where I will be shooting my entire film. I have been organising my shot and prop list. I will be using Scarlett Fahey to play Penelope and Ruby Brown who will be playing Charlotte. 

I will be going to Murwillumbah to film the cane field scenes and using my house for the indoor scenes. The entire filming process will probably take a few hours. I need to ensure that all shots are coherent with my shot list so that I can follow the shot list when compiling the footage. 

I will then be using Sunday - Thursday of week 6 to create my rough edit of the film which can then be shown to Mr Andrews on Thursday. 

Hopefully all of the shots are successful so I do not have to re-do them. This will require detailed planning and precision on the day of filming.