Thursday 6 October 2016

Representations of Music Videos Historically Questions:

  • How do music videos depict women and men?
  • How do music videos depict the culture and the time?
  • How have representations changed overtime?
  • How are social groups/ethnicities represented in music videos?
  • How are music videos marketed to specific audiences?
  • How do music videos differ across different nations?
  • Who do music videos represent?
  • Who watches music videos?
  • Who has control over music videos?
  • How much influence does the artist have over the music video?
  • How much influence do music videos have on popular culture?
  • Who has the copyrights to music videos?

  • What countries ban certain music videos?

  • Why do the countries ban certain music videos?
  • Why are music videos important to artists?
  • Why are music videos important to culture?

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