Monday 20 July 2015


Twilight trailer:
  • Admirable 
  • Weak
  • Submissive
  • Indecisive 
  • Object 
  • Prize for the male who 'wins' her
  • She couldn't protect herself 

Erin Brockovich trailer:
  • Not worthy of a degree - training
  • Being a mother is not looked as hard work
  • Gets by with 'you have a nice office'
  • Not attractive - places importance
  • The main characters clothing choices affect her quality of work - 'Re-think your clothing choices'
  • You can get anywhere if you put out...
  • 'You're a lawyer' - because she is a woman and not officially dressed
  • Treated like an idiot who is higher in power - you're either an 'idiot' or rude
  • Women put each other down
  • "You're emotional, you're erratic" - feels too much because she's a woman 
  • Weak at the beginning - ends with her being powerful and heroic 

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