Tuesday 28 July 2015

Miss Representation Questions

1. “You can’t be what you can’t see.” What does this quote suggest about how representations of powerful women are, largely, absent from the mass media?

If people are not exposed to powerful women in today's culture and society they will grow up believing that because they don't see examples of these women that they can achieve any sense of power themselves. This is seen to be one of the main reasons why women are under represented in politics.

2. What does Miss Representation suggest about the way women are represented in the media?

Women are represented in the media either being sexualised or being shown as bossy and rude, this is an incorrect depiction of women. A total of 12% of women are protagonists in films and when placed in this position they can be seen as powerful and strong but usually the story will revert to them chasing after a guy or looking for love as she is complete without a man.

3. What is a stereotype? Which gender stereotypes are being repeated again and again in the media?
A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea about a particular person or group. Women are supposed to be mothers, care givers, submissive, beautiful, domestic. 
4. In terms of representation of women, what is the problem with mainstream Hollywood films?
Hollywood goes off the basis that women will watch films about men but men won't watch films about women, as they purely want to sell whatever they are trying to sell they will follow this. This creates issues because if people are viewing men being dominant and in the main power positions for the majority of media they will start to believe that it's ok and right because they are consuming in all of the time. 
5. What sort of stereotypes are used to represent female leaders?
Female leaders are seen to be as bossy instead of assertive as a man would be seen in the same position. They are constantly scrutinised for what their wearing instead of what they're achieving and usually objectified when being spoken about. Females are 'too emotional' or 'emotionally unstable' to lead. If the media continues to place so much importance on material things rather than the achievements of female leaders only more and more women will decide not to lead. 

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