Sunday 2 August 2015

Disney Stereotypes

  • You should change who you are for your love interest (The Little Mermaid)
  • Men are hopeless and need women to take care of them (Snow White)
  • Outward beauty is what makes you special & important - majority of Disney films
  • Being white & thin is what makes you valuable (everything before Mulan)
  • Weight determines your temperament (Beauty & The Beast)
  • Women have to be strong and gentle (Pocahontas)
  • Men are saviours - every film
  • Being masculine means you are attractive and buff
  • A women's appearance is valued more than her intellect 
  • Women are helpless and need men to protect them
  • Women are domestic and need to marry
  • Overweight women are ugly, unpleasant and not worthy of marriage 
  • Only one body type on women unless depicted as evil or rude

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