Wednesday 5 August 2015

Challenging Representations:

Snow White:
  • What might a female character do that is different from the original? 
    • Instead of working in the house she could get a real job like the dwarfs.
    • Kill the Queen a lot earlier on in the story. 
    • Not say yes to the prince's proposal because she doesn't know him - stand as a person by herself without a male counterpart. 
    • She was portrayed as dumb when she was poisoned 3 times by the witch and had to be saved by the dwarfs the first 2 times and then eventually saved by the prince at the end - women can not save themselves. 
  • Identify a situation in which she speaks. What might she say?
    • Snow White hardly speaks throughout the fairytale, when she does I think she said hello to the dwarfs or says yes to witch for the poisonous goods. 
    • Young children are the ones who will be watching these fairytales and it depicts women in a way that shows they are to be seen and not heard - this will result in girls thinking that should not speak up and boys to think they're in control and dominant. From a young age these stereotypes are drilled into young children through fairytales and other media they are exposed to. 
    • When challenging the stereotypes she would say no to the witch when she was offering her strange objects or try and trick the Queen when she comes to visit next time. 
    • "I don't need to get married yet, especially to someone I don't know." 
  • What might she be rewarded for?
    • Intelligence 
    • Ability to do things
    • Her personality 
    • Cooking & cleaning even though she didn't need to
  • What qualities would be valued in women? 
    • Intelligence 
    • Ability to do things
    • Her personality
    • Courage
    • Strength
    • Intuition 
    • White 
    • Bravery
    • Kindness
    • Assertive 
    • Give them a voice
  • What might she be punished for?
    • Within the fairytale she would be punished by society for being intelligent and utilising it. Also, having a personality and speaking would cause a problem because women aren't supposed to have character depth or depth at all.

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