Monday 16 February 2015

Mise-en-scene and Setting Evaluation:

Using only visual evidence in the provided sequence respond to the following:
Briefly Describe the Setting/Location and the type of activity/ies would usually take place in this setting?
Location: Office
Activities: Working, using computer, writing, making phone calls, organising papers
What props have been included in the setting to convey an intended message or describe the activity/ies taking place?
Computer, paper, usb’s, newspapers, empty coffee cup, photo frames

What does the contrast (light levels, difference between dark or bright areas) indicate about this setting?
The lighting gives the impression that it’s a sci fi movie and that the character might not like being at work and this is also seen through the style of acting with him missing his family.

What type of tones or colours are used within the setting; pleasant, simple, cheery, bleak. (Also consider the lighting).
Dark colours are used on the man and on the office particularly black, blue and grey but when he is looking through the videos brighter colours are used and this is because this was probably a happier time in his life.
Describe the spaciousness of this setting (Cramped or open/roomy).
Cramped and very busy setting this would be to show that he is feeling this way in his mind as setting is usually shown to portray what someone is thinking. 
Describe the physical state (messy, neat, formal).
The office is in a messy state with things displaced and in no real order.
What is the general atmosphere of this setting (what moods or feelings does it invoke)?
An office is used for people to do work and majority of the time in film this can be portrayed in a negative way. 
Describe the acting style of the characters within this setting?
The actor is sad in this scene as he feels like he is missing out on his child growing up and being with his wife and this corroborates with the colours and lighting that is used. 
How does this setting contribute to the acting style and character/s personality?
The setting helps very much as you can clearly see that he is a very disorganised person and he might be confused at this point in his life and this is shown through the setting.
From the elements listed, describe the overall tone and potential genre of the film. Justify your response with specific examples.
Science Fiction/ Action because of the style of acting and most definitely the colours that are used which indicate that it’s a science fiction movie. 
Explain how mise-en-scene has been used to depict the type of character who might inhabit the space. Use evidence to justify your response
A busy/ dark/ upset person as the lighting and costumes are very dark and this helps explain the character in more depth and this subsequently helps portray the story.

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