Monday 8 February 2016

Week 3, Monday - Lesson 6

Social Media

Instagram - This platform allows users to post pictures, videos either publicly or privately. This is
also used for direct messages. Instagram was created in 2010 and since then it has shared over 30 billion photos, now 70 million photos per day. It currently has 300 million active monthly users from around the globe. 


  • Privacy settings - these are quite secure as people who aren't following you don't have access to your account if your account is on private. Everyone who intends to follow you must send a request before being accepted and able to view your images/videos. This makes it harder for predators to gain access to their accounts. 
  • An effective way to keep in touch especially with family and friends who are long distances away. 


  • Location tagging - while it may be interesting and appealing to followers with tagging where you are, this can also be extremely dangerous. Location tags make it very easy to find out exactly where one is. If they decide to use a funny location tag from their house, the address and exact location will be visible for a follower to find. 
  • Explicit images - with applications such as snapchat rising in popularity other platforms have attempted to interweave similar elements including direct messaging. This can cause trouble as people will if not post, send explicit images to one another.
  • It is possible to find out exactly what you're doing at any point of the day, where you are doing it etc.

Facebook- It was launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg which was initially made for Harvard students use only, this eventually grew over time and by 2006 you just needed to be over the age of 13 to have an account. This platform is used to stay in touch with friends, this is used to share status, photos, videos, events or private messaging etc. 


  • Instant connection - great way to stay in touch with family and friends. This is extremely convenient if they live long distances. This is generally a major pro for several social media platforms as this is the main reason they were originally created. 
  • When you need a break from work or life - Facebook is a favourable option sought by many.
  • Easy to use platform to post and share with friends. 
  • Can be used for educational purposes. 

  • It can be distracting if it is not used within its limits. 
  • Oversharing information can lead to people being in dangerous positions as it is possible for many people find out your entire life.
  • Addiction - There are many cases that show that people have become addicted to their online account as it provides a sanction of safety.
  • Accounts can be easily accessible and found unless the privacy settings are changed prior. 
  • People can become obsessed with their self image online rather than their relationships and real life.
  • People can become obsessed with their self image online rather than their relationships and real life.

Snapchat - This is a photo/video messaging application. All images/videos can have a time set on them to them "snap" to your contact list. After the amount of time set the image will delete. In recent time, people have been able to add to their stories which allows all contacts to view their image/video for a total of 24 hours and then it will be deleted. According to Snapchat in 2016 the app's users are sending over 7 billion photos and videos per day.

    • An effective way to keep in touch especially with family and friends who are long distances away for free.
    • Easily accessible.
    • If settings are private - easy way to talk to people who you want to speak to instead of having a large group of "friends" who aren't exactly close to you.
    • Instant messaging.
    • Find out important dates e.g. Three Kings Day 
    • Live video call
    • If hacked, nothing can be retrieved. 
    • Funny effects.
    • Effective way of promotion - geofilters & magazines for many different ages. 

      • As the image deletes because they are only set on 1-10 seconds it gives people the impression that because it's deleted, anything can be sent. This can lead to explicit images and sexting. This is dangerous as it is easy to screenshot or have another phone take a photo of the image which can put someone's reputation on the line and expose these images. 
      • All images are stored somewhere.
      • Anything can be screenshot. 
      • Cyber bullying
      • People can become addicted to it. 

      The most common positive of social media is keeping in touch with family friends - this is one of the main reasons social media was invented. 

      The most common negative that is linked to social media is the opportunity for potential online predators as anyone can pose to be someone else or just use the information that is posted by the user e.g. name, location, age etc. Also, once you post you no longer own the image. 

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