Monday 22 February 2016

Week 5, Monday - Lesson 13

During today's lesson we discussed the importance of statistics as they are essentially going to support the entire documentary. Without them, it is quite difficult to portray the argument effectively as there is no evidence. When I receive my draft back I will be adding more statistics and tweaking or changing whatever I should to ensure that the planning process is perfect before starting my documentary. I will be working with Holly and Kartya for the group aspect and we will begin planning next lesson to work out what, when, how we should execute this task. We all focusing on body image and mainly with the participatory type which makes this process easier in the initial stages. The final writing section of the assignment is due on Friday and we aim to begin filming our documentary in week 6 and 7 to then be editing during week 7. The sooner we film our footage we can then spend time on editing to ensure that the message is effectively communicated to this audience. As documentaries tend to be bias and manipulated the editing process is crucial so we must ensure that we correctly do this.

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