Tuesday 23 February 2016

Week 5, Tuesday - Lesson 14

I have completed majority of my treatment and have tweaked the changes that were critiqued on my draft. I was initially finding it quite difficult in picking a suitable source to find to comment on a certain aspect of how social affects the youth's perspective of their personal body image. I stumbled across alarming statistic that I have incorporated into my documentary as a voice over that states, "A People magazine survey illustrated that 80% of women who answered felt that images of women on television and in the movies make them feel insecure.” A large proportion of women feel negatively about their body just after viewing an advertisement on television on a movie, how do they feel after being bombarded with images all day? This social pressure can't be blamed on celebrities or those in the public eye, this pressure is coming from friends and family members due to the abudent amount of images shared on social media each day. These images distort one's personal view of their own body image as they are constantly being reminded or constructing a social idea of 'beauty'. These social ideas lead teenagers to photoshop and in a lot of cases, dieting. Social media perputulates dieting trends and eating disorders as people strive for unrealistic body goals. This led me to looking into pro-ana (anorexia) and pro-mis (bulimia) journals and blogs which promote starvation or unhealthy eating and exercise habits. I have just begun researching different blogs to understand the concept of them so over the next few days I will be looking at someone that I could directly quote, this could be a professional or a spokesperson, perhaps someone who has overcome their disorder and shares their experience to help others. As my treatment displays two women and one being under the healthy weight limit, this will cohesively link with the pro eating disorder journals. Although, this is a quite upsetting element of the effects of social media this is an extremely detrimental and accurate effect that social media has on teenagers which needs to be addressed. This will inform people about the effects as well as strengthen the argument of Social media has detrimental effect on young women. 

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