Thursday 11 February 2016

Week 3, Thursday - Lesson 8

Ideas - Documentary Assignment

I would love to do an observational documentary as it would be interesting to incorporate some sort of experiment or interview. Majority of the documentary would be expository with an element of observational as an entire observational style would not portray the message to the full extent.

The documentary I will be writing a treatment for will be exploring the implications social media has on the body image, particularly how the youth of today view the consequences. With the increasing amount of people using social media, it is becoming more apparent that these platforms are taking a toll on our lives.

I will be brainstorming how I would want to execute it. Currently all I know is that I will be taking the angle of body image for the assignment. Over the next few days I will be researching and taking notes as well as thinking of a creative way to include some sort of experiment to include the element of observatory.  

  • Social media is among the most common activity's of today's youth.
  • It provides instant communication, social connection and even technical skills.
  • The past 15 years have seen the amount of preadolescent and adolescent increased dramatically.
  • The limited self-regulation and susceptibility to peer pressure, youth are at risk. These problems include cyber bullying, lack of understanding of privacy issues and sexting. 

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