Wednesday 17 February 2016

Week 4, Wednesday - Lesson 11

I have completed my draft to hand in on Friday. I just need to finish off my 3-column script which I will do before Friday for drafting. I have been writing that I will be doing an observatory documentary but in fact this documentary will actually be considered as a participatory genre. Although, it is observing how people respond, it is participatory as the interviewer (myself) is involved in the filming element and may be in some shots.

I am finding this unit extremely interesting and I am excited to start and film and see what people's responses are to this hot topic. Media can easily be manipulated, especially if one is trying to portray a certain message or persuade an audience. If any of the girls end up answering differently to what is expected and needed to make the message work, there will be other girls that will answer the way the director needs hem to. As this is the case, some girls will end up being cut as during the editing process it is crucial to choose the people who answer to fit with the message.

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