Sunday 28 February 2016

Week 6, Monday - Lesson 17

We have finished our treatment and have successfully completed the design suite of our documentary task. After looking at all three treatments we are still undecided about which treatment we would like to mainly base our documentary off. We have all chosen to focus on body image and all of them are participatory types so this makes the process easier when deciding. Many elements of the other two will be taken and incorporated into the main one as all offer different strengths. Next lesson we will need to:

  • Make a final decision on what treatment we would like to take as the base.
  • How we want to incorporate the other two treatments into that one.
  • Establish if there is lap overs to ensure we don't repeat ourselves.
  • Produce a production schedule.
  • Produce a script.
  • Combine treatments to create a main one.
Once we have completed these tasks we will be able to commence filming. We aim to have all of our footage shot by this Sunday which will allow two lessons to edit for our rough edit to then be shown on Wednesday. We will then have another three lessons to edit, we will use this time efficiently so we don't have to do much outside of class time. This will then allow us five days to fix up anything before the final production of the documentary is due. 

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