Monday 15 February 2016

Week 4, Monday - Lesson 10

Today’s lesson we explored our ideas for our documentary. I will be focusing on the effects social media has on the youth’s perception of body image. An observatory type would be interesting to see how social media has constructed an idea of the ‘perfect’ body or look. I would firstly like to interview a few girls in the senior school asking how they believe social media has affected their thoughts on body image. I would then like to find two images of girl’s bodies, one being an underweight, skinny girl and the other being someone of a healthy weight. These images will then be shown to girls in the junior school asking which one they believe is beautiful. As they are of a young age, they have not been exposed to, as much social media and hopefully this experiment will have them choosing the female of the healthy weight. It will be interesting how they react to the images. Then, many students from middle and senior school who are consistently open to social media will be able to answer the same questions and the responses will probably be different. This will be done to see their initial view of body image then to really put it to practice when asked who is beautiful? Or which one the prettiest? The comparison between the two will show how social media effects one’s perception of body image. I will now begin writing my treatment and 3-column script.

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