Tuesday 9 February 2016

Week 3, Tuesday - Lesson 7

Social Media Discussion

During our lesson today we discussed what everyone had found out about the different media platforms. Many of the answers were similar with cyber bullying/ stalking being the main negative of social media. Several of the answers were from a teenage perspective, it is crucial for the assignment that we look from other angles to answer the question to it's full potential. I am yet to decide what angle I would like to take for the assignment. I am interested in researching and reporting the effects social media has on a person's body and self image. It definitely takes a toll on how people view themselves as they are exposed to so much.

 Research on WhatsApp

WhatsApp messenger is a cross-platform client for smart phones. It has the ability to text message, images, videos, user location and audio messages. In February 2016, it was concluded that the app had up to one billion making it the most popular messaging application. In 2014, it was purchased by Facebook and rakes in a total of US$ 19.3 billion. As this is such a large platform it would be important to include some information or statistics for the documentary. 

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